Friday, 25 November 2011

Your Gonna' Go Far Kid!

Gotta love Offspring :)

Well sorry for the long delay, I was originally going to try and do a blog post every other day...but it kind of failed this week... This week was evil, nice and hectic, nothing seemed to slow down for longer then two minutes. But anyhow, guess I should start the whole blogging process with how my week went right? ....
All righty then!

 Ahhh the day of the year 12 scripted pieces, a fabulous flashback to my own performance of 'Our Country's Good', owning the stage as Liz Mordan and Governor Arthur Phillip, as well as attempting seduction as Duckling to a passive aggressive Harry Brewer (Probably one of the hardest things I’ve had to act, I’m not experienced in that stuff!).
About a week or so beforehand one of the students had dropped out of the Act 2 performance, leaving the group one member short, and while they where able to deal with most of the new line learning and switching to make it work they still needed another person for a few scenes.
They asked me, and I was flattered that they trusted me that much, I instantly agreed, I was not about to let my friends grades dropped because of someone else’s doing, especially in drama (the most important subject in my opinion) and also if it was something I could help them avoid.
So they marked out a script for me and I help read in the parts and act in the scenes they needed me to, I was still on script on their actual performance, but as I wasn't the one getting marked it didn't really matter that much. All in all it was a good night, I was very impressed with the year 12 productions, I am very proud of them.
Well done you little thespians!

 I ran....again, my legs where still annoyed from Saturday and they where certainly not impressed with running on a treadmill for 3k. Me and Clark where planning on running the whole 5k park run track straight after school, but the sun was against us, it was already dark by around 4pm when we where getting ready to go out, so we headed to the school gym and ran in there. There was no one else in the room so we where free to laugh and giggle to our hearts content....which we probably would have done anyway, but oh well!

Wednesday and Thursday:
I missed Clarky; she was having nasty things done to her by evil mad scientists who had taken her hostage! My friend was getting sicker and spending allot of time with her smoking buddies, so these few day where spent focusing on English and Drama coursework...not very interesting I must say ¬¬ . (But I did discover a new artist who is AMAZING and did a flash series of video's with beautiful character designs, storylines and technique which I love!)

Clarky was back! And so where the year 12 performances, this time on 'Metamorphosis' (More flash backs!). I liked today, it was nice, I got my work done, I got to tease K as her voice went on holiday and I even managed to snatch a bit of time to myself when I was finally able to finish off a drawing that has been staring up at me from my doodle book (It was MOCKING ME!).
I had the evening all planned out, sit back and support my year 12 friends, reminiscing about my own performance, help out packing away at the end, get home and spend the night enjoying a lovely book that I have yet been able to read because I’ve been focusing on 'A Clockwork Orange' (an amazing book by the way, I recommend it!).
Sounds quite dull in places but I need some quiet nights sometimes.
Of course it was never going to be that easy, not that I’m complaining, it turned out I had allot more fun then I had originally planned, I just wish it hadn't been under those circumstances. 
One of the actors dropped out again, at the last minute, just over an hour before the group where to perform for their exam…to say I was angry was an understatement, I just don’t understand how someone can do that to people, to leave them out to dry just because they don’t want to do it anymore. I didn’t get involved with what was being said because I knew I would only make matters worse, so I kept everything shut up tight until I heard my name and was pulled out of the room by said abandoned group, a script was marked out and we got to work. It was a bit of déjà vu! But I was happy to help, giving the deserter evils as he walked from the drama studio, never to return (or else!)
During the piece we helped out one another, and given the circumstances I think they did very well, I ad-libbed with the script when I needed to (which wasn’t often) and they helped me when I needed to know where they wanted me to stand in a scene. It was fun!
All of the year 12’s I think did very well in their scripted pieces and I wish them all luck with their coursework!  

Now, moving on, as I said in my last blog, I'm writing a comic, and now I shall introduce you to a couple of my characters. I'm going to try and put a small profile of one or two characters in each blog post, untill I run out of characters that is, then I might start just posting random pictures of them (Maybe even a comic page or two!)
Well here we go!

Piper Characters:

Main Protagonists-
Alex . K . Roads-
D.O.B: 22nd July
Blood Type: AB-
Occupation: Piper
 Alex is a quiet, kind and educated 17 year old boy, having always had a love for literature and learning. Like all humans who are brought to the 'Academy', Alex had a unique ability with music, able to play any instrument you put in front of him from a very young age. His ability with music and also his high intelligence made him known as the child progeny of the 'Academy'. All through his life Alex has had a stern belief that you should never break a promise to another, and never tell a lie, because of this he never has done either of these things, which has led to many people taking advantage of his kind demeanour. Though he is always polite and friendly, as well as interested in a variety of different things he does have a problem when he gets bored...he falls asleep, anywhere, even if it means standing up.
Even with his many likes, everyone has SOME dislikes and Alex is no different to any other. As well as liars and cheats, Alex has a deep dislike for anyone who has any kind of disrespect to women, no one completely understands why, as he refuses to tell anyone, even his partner in crime, Ida. 
Alex has a deep fear of Snakes and Spiders.
His favourite colour is green.

Ida Burke-
D.O.B: 7th September
Blood Type: O-
Occupation: Pipe

Ida is never going to be a normal teenage girl, especially seeing as she died in the 1800's. Ida, like all pipes, is a demon, pulled back out of the fiery pit of hell to serve their piper until they have been deemed worthy of a second chance to get into paradise. Ida won't tell anyone what it was that sent her to hell as she doesn't know or can’t remember what it was herself.

Ida is a loyal companion and wants to live her life in this new world to the fullest defending her beliefs and her companions to the last. Ida loves her new found freedom, along with her new friends and partner Alex, enjoying every last adventure and discovery they make together.
Ida as a deep love and talent for music which she still keeps from when she was alive, as well as most of her personality and memories. Meat is always top of the menu for this hyperactive teen, her high metabolism and energy needs literally craving any kind of edible substance to fuel up on.
She is very protective of Alex and her other friends, hating to be on her own. With Rain being a main source of weakness for her kind, she tends to avoid well as cats...she doesn't hate cats....just see's herself as more of a dog probably would too if the little beasties jumped on your head where ever you went!
Ida tends to have a short attention span, and like Alex, when she is bored her mind tends to wonder... only with her so do her feet. Ida can disappear and reappear unnoticed, this usually leads to her being in the wrong place at the wrong time or  arriving in the nick of time. Despite it having saved him on more then one occasion, Alex usually teases Ida about being a ninja, which annoys Ida as she has no idea what a ninja is.
Ida’s fears are kept well hidden away from the world.
Her favourite colour is maroon.

Well  hope you like them, I love my little guys, they make me smile. These two didn't actually get names until about 5 months after I started drawing them...and as they are the main characters one day I decided 'enough's enough!' and spent ages trying to find just the right names for them.
Just shows you how attached to these little drawings I actually am!

Well hope your all doing good!
I'll be seeing you laters! xx 

All Art Work and Characters are (c) Me!

Sunday, 20 November 2011

You're gonna' Pop it!

Today was deceiving... but expected in a way.
Yesterday was the start of it all I suppose, what was I thinking? I really don’t know, but at least I was not alone in the event.
Of course yesterday being a Saturday, it was time for park run, to yell at all the runners (in support of course I'm not that evil...) then congratulate them when they finished their 5k run. A good morning in any case, and after hanging out with everyone at the pub for a while, them it was time for what had been making my knee's shake all day.
Running the 5k myself.
Luckily I was not alone, Nicki (Clarky) was there too, both of us running the plan B course to see if it was in fact 5k. The run itself was ok, though I could feel the effects of not doing it for about 4 weeks showing while I was doing it (I also need to remember to drink ALOT before running next, my head was not liking me...neither was the sun). Afterwards I actually felt ok, and was quite proud of myself for doing it (Thanks Clarky!).
Then this morning came.

Nothing was wrong until I got up, then my legs went "Nope, not happening!" and I promptly fell back on my bed. I was quite happy to spend the rest of my day in bed, till mother dearest came up to drag me to the shops with her.
Much to the disappointment of my friends, I promptly went and hid in the Waterstones books shop till mum got the presents she wanted.

However something positive has come from this week... I see running the 5k as a positive too but this is different.
As those who know me will tell you, I tend to draw a lot...and I mean a lot. Right now I'm working on a comic book with just a few of the characters I have come up with over the years, they will all probably get a mention at points in this blog as its something I find really important in my life. The reason I’ve decided to add these guys into my blog entries is because of the tip given to me by a new friend and fellow blogger Nev, she said that the secret to a blog is to start off with what makes you you...and for me that’s a lot of things. Of course the first thing I thought of was drama, but then I thought of everything else, and drawing is something very special to me as I was taught how to draw by some of the most important people in my life, namely my big sister Flash (or Geraldine if you want to go by birth records).

Anyway with the comic that I am drawing I have already come up with around 10 characters, and is still growing. This week that number has grown to 13, with 3 little brain babies jumping from my mind onto the paper. Starting off as 3 small mice that a doodled on some English notes while I was having trouble with an essay plan, they have now grown into 3 strapping young men...who can turn into mice... they make me smile.

I’m going to try and get some pictures of my characters up on here in the near future, I think its good to get feedback on work, but some designs still need tweaking and I’m still new with html stuff.
But fingers crossed!
Hope you are all doing spiffingly!

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Just Bite the Bullet

And so it begins.
Im not much of a 'blogger', nothing really happens much in my day to day life, so I don't see much point in writing it all down, I know its also sometihng not alot of people will be interested in...but oh well I just had the urge to get one of my own.
A Blog that is.

Dont you ever get that feeling, that spur of the moment where you just go for it...happens to me everyday, never really planned alot in my life, and I like it that way, makes things more interesting.

Well anyway, now that we've got the ball rolling, you can just sit back and relax, watching my helpless rambelings clog up your inbox.

When I remember to write on here anyway.